Category Archives: Access/Rochtain

Howth Junction Station needs planning permission

Green activist David Healy welcomes An Bord Pleanála’s ruling that Howth Junction Station needs planning permission.

An Bord Pleanála has ruled that most of Howth Junction train station was illegally rebuilt without planning permission.  The decision was made in response to a section 5 referral submitted by Fingal County Council as a result of a motion from then Councillor David Healy.  David is particularly concerned that the rebuilt train station does not provide for mobility impaired access to Fás Training Centre and Baldoyle Industrial Estate.

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A year of emails to Dublin City Council, still no enforcement or even reply!

My objection to Dublin City Council in relation to the lack of mobility impaired access at Howth Junction was successful. Dublin City Council’s decision included the following condition:

“2. Within 3 months of the final date of this decision, the applicant shall demonstrate adherence to the Disability Act 2005, the Guidance Framework on Good Practice in Developing on Implementation Plan in Local Authorities and National Guidelines in relation to accessibility to mobility impaired people, the applicant shall be required to undertake the following: (a) To clearly indicate on plan and elevation drawings all access/ egress from and to the station and through the site, including public right of way through site and to demonstrate accessibility to mobility impaired persons. Such drawings and details shall be certified by a suitably qualified person with expertise and experience with regard to accessibility for mobility impaired persons. Reason: In order for the retained development to meet the requirements for access to mobility impaired persons”

I first wrote to the City Council in relation to non-compliance with this condition in April 2009. I still have had no substantive reply.  Continue reading