Responses from TII and Uisce Éireann about the cable from North Irish Sea Array offshore wind

I sent a copy of my planning observation focussing on the route for the cable to Transport Infrastructure Ireland and to Uisce Éireann.

The planning application by NISA involves routing the cable from the wind array to Belcamp substation along local roads, which is anticipated to cause serious disruption to road users, including to buses and local access in local communities.

My view, as expressed to the Board, is that if this is necessary then so be it, as decarbonising the economy is an overwhelming imperative.

However, it doesn’t seem necessary to me. The application said that TII was refusing to allow the use of the motorway alignment and that running it south along the coast and in from Portmarnock wasn’t feasible.

I have received markedly different responses from these two state bodies. The reply from Uisce Éireann demonstrates a ‘can’t do’ attitude. The reply from TII is far more positive, recognising the imperative to transition to renewable energy and showing a commitment to collaboration and cooperation to facilitate energy infrastructure.

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