Monthly Archives: July 2008

Fingal Cycling Forum

Proposal for Fingal Cycling Forum as agreed at Transportation SPC July 2007.  We have had no progress yet on this.

It was proposed by Councillor D. Healy, seconded by Councillor M. Richardson:

"That a Fingal cycling Forum be established with membership and terms of reference as follows:

Proposal for Fingal Cycling Forum

•    FCC Transportation Dept
•    FCC Community Dept (re liaison with schools and community organisations and sports clubs in particular re cycling training and health promotion)
•    Dublin Cycling Campaign
•    Fingal Safe Cycling
•    Representative of body responsible for health promotion
•    Councillor representative from SPC

Terms of reference

a)  Develop Cycling Strategy to contain

•    Objectives
•    Actions
•    Implementation
•    Indicative budget

Timescale – months 1 and 2

b)  Put draft strategy to public consultation
Open consultation on website plus targeted consultation with

•    Transport SPC
•    FCC Planning Dept (routes and design, planning enforcement)
•    FCC Awareness officer/publicity expertise
•    FCC Parks Dept (re routes through parks and amenity areas)

•    Green Schools
•    Fingal Community Forum
•    Dublin Cycling Campaign

Month 3

c)  Finalise and adopt Strategy
Formal adoption by Transport SPC then by County Council

Month 4

d)    Implement strategy, monitor implementation of strategy

Month 5 onwards

Note: The draft strategy should rely on good practice elsewhere, successful examples etc.  
Actions are likely to include:
•    Cycling officer with resources and access to a backup team to drive the strategy.
•    Cycling promotion  (including engagement with media)
•    Cycling training for adults
•    Cycling promotion and training in schools, link to Green Schools
•    Fingal Co.Co. as a cycling employer
•    Policy in relation to road design/infrastructure issues
•    Safety auditing of road schemes and proposing remedial measures
•    Strategy for amenity routes
•    Strategy for engagement between Forum/Co.Co. and other relevant bodies
o    Garda Síochána
o    Public Transport Organisations: Irish Rail, RPA, DTA, Dublin Bus, Bus Éireann, etc.
o    Health promotion bodies
o    Schools
o    Other road-user organisations: mobility impaired, pedestrians, motorists, hauliers."

Dublin Airport putting business before people

Dublin Airport putting business before people

-as application lodged to increase early morning and night time flights
Party Fingal Cllr David Healy has accused Dublin Airport Authority of
putting business before people following the announcement that they are
going back to An Bord Pleánala to seek an increase in the number of
early morning and night time flights. In granting permission for a new
runway at Dublin Airport, An Bord Pleanála restricted the use of the
runways to minimise noise impacts on local residents and stipulated a
maximum of 65 flights between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
Cllr Healy said: "Residents in the vicinity of the airport, especially in the worst affected communities of Portmarnock and St. Margaret’s, are entitled to relief from the noise of planes flying overhead. This is especially important at night.  World Health Organisation research has found that aircraft noise is associated with impaired childhood learning and sleep disruption is believed to have long-term health consequences.

 "In fact, An Bord Pleanála’s condition, allowing 65 flights per night, is not nearly strict enough. The fact that the airport is going back to An Bord Pleanála seeking a change in this condition makes a mockery of its claim to be a good neighbour. I call on the airport to withdraw its application and comply with these conditions which are there to protect public health."



Cllr. David Healy: 087 617 8852

Nicola Cassidy, Press Office: 01 618 4088 / 087 914 8175

Objection to planning application beside Evora Terrace, Dunbo Hill, Evora Park

I have objected to a planning application beside Evora Terrace, Dunbo Hill and Evora Park which seeks to use Evora Terrace as a construction access and would thereby put the stability of the houses there at risk.

                                    Cllr David Healy
                                    Green Party/Comhaontas Glas
                                    Howth ward  / Ceantar Bhinn Éadair
                                    54, Páirc Éabhóra,
                                    Beann Éadair,
                                    Co. Bh.Á.C.

                                    087 6178852

Planning Department,
Fingal County Council,
Main St.,
Co. Dublin
By hand.

Re: F08A/0673

A Chairde,
I would like to object to the above proposal on the following grounds.

   1. The proposed access is unsuitable for access by construction traffic both due to its narrowness and the proximity of the houses on Evora Terrace and due to its construction. In particular, the use of the road for construction traffic would lead to a real risk of ground failure and consequent landslide and collapse of adjacent buildings.
   2. It appears that the proposed layout would involve changes in ground level adjacent to boundary walls to the site which would lead to a risk of collapse of those walls.
   3. The proposed layout involves excessive proximity to the rear of various adjacent houses, with consequent negative impacts on residential amenity
   4. The proposed layout and design of the proposed houses would lead to visual intrusion not in keeping with the designated Architectural Conservation Area for which a Statement of Character has recently been published.
   5. The application does not contain the necessary information for a full assessment, in particular all relevant cross sections and other information necessary to establish the relationship between the proposed houses and adjacent houses and gardens.


Is mise, le meas,

David Healy