Dublin Airport putting business before people

Dublin Airport putting business before people

-as application lodged to increase early morning and night time flights
Party Fingal Cllr David Healy has accused Dublin Airport Authority of
putting business before people following the announcement that they are
going back to An Bord Pleánala to seek an increase in the number of
early morning and night time flights. In granting permission for a new
runway at Dublin Airport, An Bord Pleanála restricted the use of the
runways to minimise noise impacts on local residents and stipulated a
maximum of 65 flights between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
Cllr Healy said: "Residents in the vicinity of the airport, especially in the worst affected communities of Portmarnock and St. Margaret’s, are entitled to relief from the noise of planes flying overhead. This is especially important at night.  World Health Organisation research has found that aircraft noise is associated with impaired childhood learning and sleep disruption is believed to have long-term health consequences.

 "In fact, An Bord Pleanála’s condition, allowing 65 flights per night, is not nearly strict enough. The fact that the airport is going back to An Bord Pleanála seeking a change in this condition makes a mockery of its claim to be a good neighbour. I call on the airport to withdraw its application and comply with these conditions which are there to protect public health."



Cllr. David Healy: 087 617 8852

Nicola Cassidy, Press Office: 01 618 4088 / 087 914 8175