Category Archives: Baldoyle / Baile Dubh Ghaill

Dart + Coastal North: Howth Junction transfer

Minister Eamon Ryan has directed his Department to liaise with the National Transport Office and Iarnród Éireann to ensure that the recommendations from JASPERS (the European Investment Bank’s evaluation unit) for a review of the Howth Junction transfer proposal are implemented.

See this letter for details.

AIE request confirms that Iarnród Éireann hasn’t analysed the impact of a shuttle service from Howth Junction on local services

I have received a response from Iarnród Éireann to an Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) request. The request sought the following:

  • Any analyses of potential operational patterns involving a shuttle service between Howth Junction and Howth, requiring passengers to change at Howth Junction to access Bayside, Sutton and Howth.
  • Any analyses of the time delays or reduced capacity of the network at Howth Junction caused by the current arrangement where northbound trains to Howth cross the southbound track from Malahide.
  • Any analyses of the time savings or increased capacity of the network should one or more Howthbound trains be replaced by a shuttle service.
  • A copy of the terms of reference for “studies which will examine the doubling of track capacity between Dublin’s Connolly and Malahide train stations, where DART and intercity traffic currently share the same tracks”, for which funding was awarded on 22nd June.
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Information on sewage overflows

I have been campaigning for some years for Irish Water and Fingal County Council, who are their agents, to make information on all sewage overflows publicly available as soon as they happen. I was particularly concerned when a number of years ago we were told by Irish Water that there had been no sewage discharge at a particular location only to find out some months later that there had.

I believe the ongoing failure to make this information easily and immediately available to the public is a breach of the obligation of active dissemination in the Aarhus Convention and the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations.

I have made an AIE request for information about the sewer network and locations of discharges and overflows, as well as details of the overflows over recent years. Here’s the response:

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Submission to Dart+ North Consultation

My submission to Iarnród Éireann’s consultation on Dart+ North

It follows my previous observations.

Road space reallocation in Howth / Malahide Area

The Operations Dept of the Council is continuing to work on the reallocation of road space and other measures to facilitate safe walking and cycling. We had an online meeting of the Area Cttee. last week and following input from constituents, I presented this list of options which is being considered. I would be grateful for any further feedback or suggestions.

The meeting received this update on the previous list of actions.

The other reports received by the meeting are also interesting – Covid 19 response and 2020 programme of works.

Howth/Malahide Area Cttee. agrees to make submissions on Clongriffin Strategic Housing Development applications

Two Strategic Housing Development applications have been made to An Bord Pleanála (Clongriffin SHD 1 and Clongriffin SHD 2). They say they will be accompanied by an application to Dublin City Council for a more mixed use development. The applications represent a completely unacceptable abandonment of the original plan for a high-density mixed use development, remaining high density but being almost entirely residential. The Howth/ Malahide Area Cttee. today agreed to my proposal to make the following submission to these applications:

1. The applications for almost exclusively residential development are contrary to the long-established goal of a mixed-use development at Clongriffin with significant employment uses. We strongly support the original plan of a mixed-use quarter.

2. The very low levels of community facilities proposed are not in keeping with the development of a sustainable community and the needs of current and future residents.

3. The reservation of a school site for Clongriffin should be respected.

4. The proposed towers should not be included due to their negative impact on views from and across the Baldoyle – Portmarnock Green Belt and public parkland protected in the Fingal County Development Plan.

The submission from Clongriffin Community Association goes into considerable detail on these applications, demonstrating how they go directly against the original vision for the area.

Update: the permissions were granted contravening the City Development Plan and Local Area Plan despite the submissions received.

South Fingal Transport Study

South Fingal Transport Study has been carried out for the Council. (This is in fulfilment of an objective in the County Development Plan which specified the Study would include public consultation; unfortunately the public consultation hasn’t happened.)

The Study contains strong recommendations about prioritising walking, cycling and public transport in the area, and will be discussed at a Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Policy Committee meeting on Monday 28th.

Draft Bus Connects submission


***Bus Connects consultation today Monday 17th September 2pm to 8pm Grand Hotel Malahide***

***Submission deadline 28th September***

My draft submission is below. I would be interested in any feedback, positive or negative before I submit it.

1.Howth to city centre along the coast

The existing 31/31A service is well used. In addition to local residents and employees, including those whose trips are far from the railway stations, the passengers include a lot of tourists who might be using it instead of the Dart because of the scenic views as well as the direct access to stops on Howth Hill. The analysis carried out for Bus Connects seems to have a focus on residents’ access to work and education. It is not clear what data you are using for tourist trips on Dublin Bus.

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