Category Archives: Portmarnock/Port Mearnóg

Land Development Agency consultation on Kinsealy

The Land Development Agency has drawn up proposals for housing on the land formerly used by Teagasc at Kinsealy. This will include a drop-in session on Tuesday 26th from 4pm to 8pm at St. Nicholas of Myra National School. Further information is on their website.

Central issues to be addressed include

  • access from the housing areas to both local schools, including temporary access as the development is planned to go ahead in phases;
  • the long-overdue greenway link from Kinsealy to Portmarnock station (which should have gone to planning in 2021) as well as the other greenway links (to Kettles Lane and Balgriffin)

Information on sewage overflows

I have been campaigning for some years for Irish Water and Fingal County Council, who are their agents, to make information on all sewage overflows publicly available as soon as they happen. I was particularly concerned when a number of years ago we were told by Irish Water that there had been no sewage discharge at a particular location only to find out some months later that there had.

I believe the ongoing failure to make this information easily and immediately available to the public is a breach of the obligation of active dissemination in the Aarhus Convention and the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations.

I have made an AIE request for information about the sewer network and locations of discharges and overflows, as well as details of the overflows over recent years. Here’s the response:

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Commissioner for Environmental Information has upheld my appeal on refusal of access to information on Station Road junctions

The Commissioner for Environmental Information has ruled on my appeal against Fingal County Council’s refusal to release planning compliance documentation in relation to condition 2 of planning permission SHD/012/19. The condition required the redesign of the junctions at either end of Station Road before development started, which didn’t happen. One has since been redesigned. The other still hasn’t. More background here.

The Commissioner found

36. Articles 7(4) and 11(4) of the AIE Regulations require public authorities to provide reasons for refusal at both original and internal review decision stages, consistent with Article 4(5) of the AIE Directive. It is clear that the Council did not provide adequate reasons for refusal of the appellant’s request.

37. I am satisfied that the Council adopted a blanket approach to its refusal of the records at issue under article 8(a)(i) of the AIE Regulations and to its refusal of the records at issue under articles 8(a)(iv) and 9(2)(d) of the AIE Regulations, without having regard to the nature or content of the records.

The Commissioner has now directed the Council to undertake a fresh decision-making process.

Road space reallocation in Howth / Malahide Area

The Operations Dept of the Council is continuing to work on the reallocation of road space and other measures to facilitate safe walking and cycling. We had an online meeting of the Area Cttee. last week and following input from constituents, I presented this list of options which is being considered. I would be grateful for any further feedback or suggestions.

The meeting received this update on the previous list of actions.

The other reports received by the meeting are also interesting – Covid 19 response and 2020 programme of works.

Submission to draft Airport Local Area Plan and Development Plan Variation

I made this submission to the public consultation on the draft Dublin Airport Local Area Plan and on the associated draft Variation to the County Development Plan. It refers back to my previous submission on the draft Local Area Plan and deals in particular with issues of climate change, noise, cycling access and water quality.

School Street proposal for St. Oliver Plunkett’s School, Malahide

Fingal County Council is proposing the pedestrianisation of a section of Grove Road, from Church Road to The Rise, for school drop off and collection times. ( 08.30hrs – 09.15hrs and 13.00hrs – 14.45hrs weekdays, during school term times. ) This would be an 18 month trial to improve safety for schoolchildren arriving at and leaving school

There will be a public information meeting on Tuesday 8th October at 7.30pm in Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links.

Further information in this leaflet and at

Response to public consultation on Kinsealy Local Area Plan

The following is my response to the public consultation on the Kinsealy Local Area Plan:
Although much of the land at Kinsealy should not have been zoned for residential development, I welcome the opportunity to respond to the draft Local Area Plan.
My primary concern is in relation to providing for active travel modes within the LAP and to adjoining areas. The pre-draft consultation highlighted the importance of providing quality walking and cycling links from Kinsealy to neighbouring areas, in particular to Portmarnock railway station. The draft LAP shows a lot of positive intention in this regard but is very confusing when it comes to understanding exactly what is planned. At this stage in the process there should be clear proposals to respond to.

Submission to An Bord Pleanála oral hearing in relation to Clonshaugh sewage treatment plant and Ireland’s Eye outfall

At today’s Oral Hearing into the proposed sewage treatment plant, I am making this presentation  focusing on the water quality aspects of the proposal. I have recently become aware of the important biodiversity along the sewer route at Ballymun and I am glad to have the opportunity to include the Ballymun Wildlife Group’s Report on Biodiversity at Northpoint in my  submission.