Category Archives: Kinsealy/Cionn Sáile

Information on sewage overflows

I have been campaigning for some years for Irish Water and Fingal County Council, who are their agents, to make information on all sewage overflows publicly available as soon as they happen. I was particularly concerned when a number of years ago we were told by Irish Water that there had been no sewage discharge at a particular location only to find out some months later that there had.

I believe the ongoing failure to make this information easily and immediately available to the public is a breach of the obligation of active dissemination in the Aarhus Convention and the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations.

I have made an AIE request for information about the sewer network and locations of discharges and overflows, as well as details of the overflows over recent years. Here’s the response:

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Kinsealy Greenways update

At the September Council meeting I asked when for an update on the design of the Kinsealy-Portmarnock Greenway and was told it had gone to tender. I couldn’t find it on e-tenders so I raised at the Area Committee where I was told that the information at the Full Council was wrong and the request for tenders wouldn’t issue until early next year.

At the October Council meeting we considered the Capital Programme for 2023-2025. It only included the design work for Kinsealy Lane and the Kinsealy-Portmarnock Greenway. I submitted these motions to add to the plan the construction of the Greenways to Portmarnock and Kettle’s Lane and the redesign of Kinsealy Lane:

  • That this Council recommends that the capital programme line for the Kinsealy- Portmarnock Greenway continue subsequent to 2023 with a total expenditure of €12 million (based on the Feasibility Study already carried out) with funding to be from grants and levies.
  • That this Council recommends that the capital programme line for the Kinsealy Lane upgrade continue subsequent to 2023 with a total expenditure of €4 million (based on the Feasibility Study already carried out) with funding to be from grants and levies.
  • That this Council recommends that a capital programme line be included for the Kinsealy- Kettles Lane Greenway with a total expenditure of €9 million (based on the Feasibility Study already carried out) with funding to be from grants and levies.

The first was defeated after the Mayor wouldn’t let me amend it to delete the words “and levies”. The other two were agreed with that amendment. 

In our Development Plan process, I have submitted motions to include the two greenways on the Development Plan maps. Unfortunately the Chief Executive is opposing these motions. This is despite the feasibility study done in 2018 which is at

Submission to draft Airport Local Area Plan and Development Plan Variation

I made this submission to the public consultation on the draft Dublin Airport Local Area Plan and on the associated draft Variation to the County Development Plan. It refers back to my previous submission on the draft Local Area Plan and deals in particular with issues of climate change, noise, cycling access and water quality.

Kinsealy greenways added to Local Area Plan

At the monthly Council meeting on Monday 13th May, I succeeded in having greenway links from Kinsealy a) to Portmarnock, b) to Kettle’s Lane and c) to Balgriffin/Belmayne included in the Kinsealy Local Area Plan.

Importantly, my motion on phasing resulted in a decision that the greenway from Kinsealy to Old Portmarnock/R124  (which will give access to Portmarnock railway station) be included with a timeframe of including it in the 2020 Capital Programme and submitting the planning application for it in 2021. Continue reading

Response to public consultation on Kinsealy Local Area Plan

The following is my response to the public consultation on the Kinsealy Local Area Plan:
Although much of the land at Kinsealy should not have been zoned for residential development, I welcome the opportunity to respond to the draft Local Area Plan.
My primary concern is in relation to providing for active travel modes within the LAP and to adjoining areas. The pre-draft consultation highlighted the importance of providing quality walking and cycling links from Kinsealy to neighbouring areas, in particular to Portmarnock railway station. The draft LAP shows a lot of positive intention in this regard but is very confusing when it comes to understanding exactly what is planned. At this stage in the process there should be clear proposals to respond to.

South Fingal Transport Study

South Fingal Transport Study has been carried out for the Council. (This is in fulfilment of an objective in the County Development Plan which specified the Study would include public consultation; unfortunately the public consultation hasn’t happened.)

The Study contains strong recommendations about prioritising walking, cycling and public transport in the area, and will be discussed at a Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Policy Committee meeting on Monday 28th.

Kinsealy Greenways Feasibility Study published

The report on the Kinsealy Greenways Feasibility Study for which funding was obtained in 2017 following discussion in the County Development Plan process in 2016 has been published. It will be discussed at the Area Committee in March.

Overall, the report demonstrates the feasibility and value of providing dedicated greenway cycle routes between the towns and villages in the area.

There are a few aspects of it which I’m not clear about, and I’ll post updates when I receive them.

Kinsealy Environs – Final Report – Nov 2018

Appendix A -Development Zones

Appendix B – Existing Planning Applications-13.03.2018

Appendix C – Ecological Constraints Map

Appendix D – Tree Survey and Report

Appendix E – Architectural Heritage Map

Appendix F – Archaeological Study and Report – Cultural heritage constraints study

Appendix G – Existing Built and Natural Environment-Map

Appendix H – Existing Utilities

Appendix I – Link Types cross-sections

Draft Bus Connects submission


***Bus Connects consultation today Monday 17th September 2pm to 8pm Grand Hotel Malahide***

***Submission deadline 28th September***

My draft submission is below. I would be interested in any feedback, positive or negative before I submit it.

1.Howth to city centre along the coast

The existing 31/31A service is well used. In addition to local residents and employees, including those whose trips are far from the railway stations, the passengers include a lot of tourists who might be using it instead of the Dart because of the scenic views as well as the direct access to stops on Howth Hill. The analysis carried out for Bus Connects seems to have a focus on residents’ access to work and education. It is not clear what data you are using for tourist trips on Dublin Bus.

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Observation on planning applications at Holywell for a new roundabout and for a petrol station, takeaway and shop

I have made observations on two linked planning applications in Holywell. The proposal for a petrol station and takeaway is not in keeping with the objective of maintaining residential amenity and providing quality sustainable neighbourhoods. The road design is confused and inadequate for pedestrians and cyclists like other road designs in the Holywell area.

The observation on the road proposal F17/A0392 also includes a copy of the observation on the petrol station/ takeaway F17A/0393.

Progress on Kinsealy Greenways

At the Area Committee today it was confirmed that the NTA has approved €50,000 for a feasibility study into the Kinsealy Greenways proposal, following the Area Committee’s meeting with them in January.

These are the indicative routes to be studied.


Kinsealy to Holywell via Abbeville


Portmarnock to Kinsealy


Balgriffin to Kinsealy