Kinsealy Greenways update

At the September Council meeting I asked when for an update on the design of the Kinsealy-Portmarnock Greenway and was told it had gone to tender. I couldn’t find it on e-tenders so I raised at the Area Committee where I was told that the information at the Full Council was wrong and the request for tenders wouldn’t issue until early next year.

At the October Council meeting we considered the Capital Programme for 2023-2025. It only included the design work for Kinsealy Lane and the Kinsealy-Portmarnock Greenway. I submitted these motions to add to the plan the construction of the Greenways to Portmarnock and Kettle’s Lane and the redesign of Kinsealy Lane:

  • That this Council recommends that the capital programme line for the Kinsealy- Portmarnock Greenway continue subsequent to 2023 with a total expenditure of €12 million (based on the Feasibility Study already carried out) with funding to be from grants and levies.
  • That this Council recommends that the capital programme line for the Kinsealy Lane upgrade continue subsequent to 2023 with a total expenditure of €4 million (based on the Feasibility Study already carried out) with funding to be from grants and levies.
  • That this Council recommends that a capital programme line be included for the Kinsealy- Kettles Lane Greenway with a total expenditure of €9 million (based on the Feasibility Study already carried out) with funding to be from grants and levies.

The first was defeated after the Mayor wouldn’t let me amend it to delete the words “and levies”. The other two were agreed with that amendment. 

In our Development Plan process, I have submitted motions to include the two greenways on the Development Plan maps. Unfortunately the Chief Executive is opposing these motions. This is despite the feasibility study done in 2018 which is at

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