Monthly Archives: September 2022

Planning observation on proposed infill behind the West Pier

Following the non-statutory consultation in 2021 (see my submission here), the Department of the Marine made a planning application (F21A/0368) for the dredging and infill. I didn’t hear about it until just before it was appealed to An Bord Pleanála (PL06F.314487). I have submitted an observation on the appeal.

Overall, I’m very concerned that the application really hasn’t thought through the amenity or biodiversity potential of an infill development, but will provide a road and some extra car parking neither of which is needed.

Proposal for an Architectural Competition for Balscadden Beach wins central government funding

A proposal for an architectural competition for the access to Balscadden Beach developed by the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland has been granted funding by the Department of Community and Rural Development in their Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS). I’m very grateful to RIAI for developing the proposal following a virtual meeting I had with them on the beach during Covid.

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