Following the informal meeting on 23rd November (notes here), a special formal meeting of the Area Cttee has been called to be held at the Council offices in Swords on Thursday 19th January. The normal Area Cttee B meeting has been moved to the Wednesday 18th (in Baldoyle Library as always.)
We have been asked to list the issues to be addressed and I have tried to itemise them as follows. I would welcome comments.
Issues to be discussed as requested:
1. New development at Stapolin
a. roundabout on coast road and road to it from new Stapolin area
i. what is the planning status of this, a report on the compliance submission, whether the compliance submission reflects what is built on the ground
ii. why are there two lanes at all of the entrances to a single-lane roundabout and what are the safety implications of this? What is the Transportation department’s view on the design?
iii. What is the design purpose of the red footpaths as built?
iv. What is/will be the arrangement for pedestrians to reach the footpath on the other side of the road?
v. What are the plans for accessing the planned park from this road by each of the various modes which will be using the road?
vi. What is the cross-section of the road as built and what is the Transportation Department’s view of it?
b. Access from Grange Road
i. What is the planning status of this constructed section of road?
ii. What is the Transportation Department’s view on the segregated cycle facilities included in the design and apparently constructed?
iii. What is the Transportation Department’s view on the design as constructed as it affects cyclists?
iv. What is the Transportation Department’s view on the design as constructed as it affects pedestrians?
v. What is the planned traffic lights set-up for this junction?
c. Design of streets and roads in new Stapolin development
i. Description of design of these streets and roads envisaged in Local Area Plan and Masterplan and applications already granted and applications made.
ii. Do they meet the criteria for designation as 30km/hr zones?
d. Pedestrian links through the area
i. What are the planned pedestrian links in the area?
ii. Are they designed so as to ensure a quality and safe environment?
iii. How will the existing pedestrian link to Howth Junction railway station be taken advantage of improved and made more accessible?
e. Parking in the vicinity of the new railway station
i. What level of parking demand is envisaged at this location and will parking control be necessary/appropriate?
f. 3 ton limits
i. Is a 3 ton limit envisaged on the distributor road through the Stapolin development?
2. Road and path network throughout the area
a. General road network
i. What changes are under consideration?
ii. What are the constraints on the design, whether biodiversity, financial, technical etc.?
iii. What about providing a segregated cyclepath parallel to the Moyne Road?
iv. What is intended/under consideration for the junction of Moyne Road and Hole in the Wall Road?
v. What is intended/ under consideration for the junction of Moyne Road and Coast Road?
vi. What is intended/ under consideration for Moyne Road?
vii. What is intended/ under consideration for the Coast Road?
viii. What is the general intention for the proposed Station Road Boulevard? (i.e. what does boulevard mean here?)
ix. What is intended/ under consideration for the railway bridge on Moyne Road?
x. What is intended/ under consideration for the railway bridge on Station Road?
b. Pedestrian and cyclist links through the park/green belt
i. What are these and how do they integrate with the general road network? If they are not proposed already what is the process by which they will be planned and designed?
ii. Will the railway alignment be used to facilitate a direct cyclepath between north and south?
c. Will the existing Baldoyle Area Plan, the draft Portmarnock Area Plan and the Park provide direct and convenient cycle routes including the following:
i. Between the bus/bicycle/pedestrian bridge over the railway at the new Dart station and the Station Road area so as to facilitate cyclists coming from / going to the North Fringe area?
ii. Accessing the playing fields on both sides of the Moyne Road from both Baldoyle/Donaghmede and from Portmarnock?
iii. between Baldoyle and the Station Road area such as to enable secondary school students to access Pobalscoil Neasáin from the Station Road area without coming into conflict with motor traffic?
d. Coastal walkway and cycle route
i. What are the design options under consideration?
ii. What are constraints on the design, whether biodiversity, financial etc.?
iii. Will the route be on the coastal side for the entire distance from Baldoyle to Portmarnock?
e. Bus routes
i. What extra bus routes are under consideration in the area?
ii. Assuming that bus lanes are not envisaged, what junction designs are envisaged to ensure that buses are not caught in the expected traffic congestion which will result from this development and the North Fringe development?
iii. What is the interaction between bus routes and the proposals for the general road network?
3. Draft Portmarnock Local Area Plan
a. Distributor Road
i. Is the distributor road through this area intended to be a bus route and if so should the road not be as direct as possible?
ii. What is the reason for the proposed design? (It was described as indicative when the draft plan was last on display.)
b. Roundabouts
i. Are what appear as roundabouts on the draft plan intended to be roundabouts?
ii. If not, can they be marked differently? (When the draft plan was last on display it was stated that they were not intended to be read as roundabouts.)
iii. If they are roundabouts, what is the design rationale here and how will pedestrians be facilitated?
Could I also ask that colour versions of the Baldoyle Area Plan map and the Masterplan be made available to cllrs and all departments at the meeting. At our last Area Cttee meeting Parks were relying on a photocopy which was illegible to me.