We are at the start of the process for adopting the Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029. There was a public consultation this Spring in advance of the Draft. In a series of meetings starting on 30th August, the Council will consider the responses to that consultation. Motions from Councillors to give direction for the drafting of the Development Plan will be discussed. I have submitted the following motions based on the responses from the public and my own submission:
- That the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Draft Plan include quantitative assessment of impact on greenhouse gas emissions, based on the NTA’s transport model and/or any other appropriate methodology.
- That the development plan require filtered permeability (favouring walking, cycling and public transport) in all new developments (including residential, mixed use, commercial zoning and open space zonings).
- That the Development Plan includes an objective to convert existing developed areas and open spaces to low traffic neighbourhoods, by increasing walking, cycling, and public transport permeability, and reducing motor vehicle permeability, within the lifetime of the plan.
- That the Development Plan objectives and rules as regards Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems be updated to ensure that SUDS measures including green roofs, rain gardens and permeable paving are more widely used and less reliance is placed on retention ponds in open spaces.
- That the Development Plan commits to prioritising biodiversity and ecosystem services in the management of open spaces and the public realm.
- That the Draft Plan recognise the importance of implementation and enforcement for the successful achievement of objectives in the Development Plan, for example in relation to many aspects of planning conditions and/or building regulations requiring higher standards, including soundproofing to maintain public health and quality of life in areas affected by aviation noise and in higher density developments and implementation of planning conditions protecting other aspects of residential amenity in higher density developments.
- That the Development Plan include the routes in the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan.
- That the Development Plan includes the routes in the Kinsealy Greenways study.
- That the Development Plan includes the routes in submission C377-130 providing access to Malahide Community School.
- That the Draft Development Plan include appropriate reference to the Strategic Rail Review, both for passenger and freight transport.
- That the Development Plan recognise the importance of the Dart Interconnector/ Underground for all of the existing railways serving Fingal.
- That the Development Plan protect one or more routes for linking Metro Link to the Dublin-Belfast line.
- That the Development Plan protect one or more routes for linking Metro West to the Dublin-Belfast line.
- That the Chief Executive describe the process which will be followed for identifying public rights of way for inclusion in the Draft.
- That the Chief Executive explain what if any progress was made in relation to Objective RF116 of the current Development Plan, why this objective has not been met, and what this means for including public rights of way in the Draft.
- That the Development Plan aim at retaining a high level of remote and hybrid working in order to reduce transport demand and to help meet the demand by public transport and active travel.
- That the Development Plan include planning for a just transition for communities and workers impacted by the contraction in aviation due to the pandemic and the need to restrict greenhouse gas emissions.
- That the Development Plan include requirements as regards best practice in lighting including the use of intelligent/responsive lighting systems to be followed both by the Council and in planning decisions/conditions.
- That the Development Plan prioritise nature-based solutions to coastal challenges including erosion and flooding and where hard engineering measures are nonetheless needed, require that biodiversity and ecosystem services considerations are integrated into those responses.
- That in line with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, the Development Plan specify that developments which undermine the achievement and/or maintenance of good ecological status in Fingal’s waters will not be permitted.
- That the Development Plan propose the designation of Fingal’s estaurine habitats as one or more Special Amenity Areas.
- That the Moyne Road realignment proposal be removed from the Development Plan.
- That the Moyne Road improvement objective be moved from its current location to run along the existing Moyne Road.
- That the Draft Plan require that development be low carbon in all aspects of layout, design and construction, including by relying on environmental product declarations as to the sustainability of materials, and by relying on certification systems for large developments.
- Require proposals for the demolition of usable buildings to be justified on sustainability grounds in line with a circular economy analysis.
- Provide that the design of areas to be taken in charge as public open space should vary according to the density of the development with maintenance intensive designs are not appropriate to low density development but acceptable in higher density developments where they will receive greater maintenance from the Council.
- That the Draft Plan require large commercial developments with extensive roof space to have green roofs, solar panels or both, as appropriate.
- That the Draft Plan provide for the retrofit of streets and roads in order to retain street trees.
- That the Draft Plan prohibit any drive-through retail, takeaway or other uses, in the interests of the public realm and the promotion of sustainable transport and smarter travel.
- That the Draft Plan ensure that the design of all retail development gives priority to direct, safe, convenient and comfortable access by pedestrians and those walking from public transport.
- That the Draft Plan provide that In tandem with identifying and procuring new school sites, the Council will plan safe walking and cycling routes to school from the residential populations to be served by the school, in order to provide routes in tandem with the occupation of the school site.
- That the Draft Plan provide for the protection of streets and roads from clutter and the removal of redundant street furniture.
- That the Draft Plan promote the undergrounding of cables in SAAOs and ACAs.
- That the Draft Plan include an effective mechanism to gradually reduce the number of masts on the Hill of Howth.
- That the draft Plan consider the inclusion of the Royal Hotel/ Baily Court Hotel, Main St. Howth on the Record of Protected Structures.
- That the Draft Plan provide for walkabilty audits of the towns and villages of Fingal.
- That the Draft Plan include an objective to obtain Blue Flag status for a number of additional beaches in Fingal.
- That the Draft Plan include an objective to make additional Tree Protection Orders at a number of locations in Fingal.
- That the Draft Plan include an objective to create a walking and cycling link from the Sutton to Sandycove greenway to the Baldoyle to Portmarnock Greenway through Bayside, Seagrange Park and Millennium Park, including the provision of universal access to the Sutton to Sandycove greenway from Bayside.
- That the Draft Plan include an objective to encourage mixed use developments at and within railway stations such as Bayside, Clongriffin and Howth Junction to provide passive surveillance.
- That the Draft Plan include a commitment to ongoing road and street space reallocation to provide safe routes for walking and cycling and better public realm.
- That the process of development of the Plan include evaluation of the potential for active travel to provide for transport needs.
- That the Draft Plan encourage the use of logistics/transfer hubs and of electric cargo bikes and smaller delivery vehicles for freight and delivery.
- That the Draft Plan include a commitment to consider how to discourage or prevent the use of over-sized delivery vehicles travelling to or through town and village centres, including by the use of planning conditions, road restrictions, bye-laws or a combination of these.
- That the Draft Plan include objectives in relation to the monitoring of coastal erosion and accretion, beach and sand dune processes, and consequent flooding and erosion risks.
- That, recognising the existing good practice of the Council in making information available, the Draft Plan commits the Council to continuing to increase the amount of information it makes available to the public particularly online.
- That the Draft Plan include an objective to maximise the amenity and biodiversity benefit of the proposed infill behind the West Pier in Howth, including through the provision of a major tidal pool.
- That given the potential for intensification of employment and other land uses benefitting from the public transport infrastructure around Howth Junction station, the planning analysis specified in the current Development Plan Objective Baldoyle 2 be carried out in order to include appropriate provisions in the new Plan.
- That the Draft Plan commit to a programme of enforcement and implementation to address all existing misconnections causing or risking water pollution and to prevent new misconnections.
- That in line with the recommendation in the South Fingal Transport Study, the potential for a public transport orbital link between Clongriffin and Dardistown be analysed as part of the drafting of the Development Plan.
“Public Transport Recommendations
“In addition to the bus services proposed by the NTA GDA Strategy, and in the longer term, it is recommended that orbital connectivity is provided to help reduce car dependency for trips not travelling to the city, but to major potential employment areas along the R139, onward to Dublin Airport and to Swords.
“It is recommended that the potential for this route is revisited in the early 2020’s with a view to deciding upon its inclusion in the NTA GDA Strategy review in late 2022.”
(Extract from South Fingal Transport Study)