Official report on Malahide QBC consultation

The following report has been supplied to City Councillors in advance of next Monday’s meeting of the North Central Area Committee.

Quality Bus Network Office,
4th Floor, WorldCom Buildings,
Lower Erne Street, Dublin 2
Oifig Ghréasán Bus
Urlár 4, Foirgneamh WorldCom,
Sráid Éirne, Íocht, Baile Átha Cliath 2
T. 01 6860100 F. 01 6860127

Report to the Chairman and Members of the
North Central Area Committee

Malahide Quality Bus Corridor Enhancements

Report on Public Consultation                                     

19th June, 2006


The Quality Bus Network Project Office (QBN Project Office) in association with Dublin City Council prepared a preliminary design for the enhancements of the Malahide Quality Bus Corridor. The scheme runs between Talbot Street and Clare Hall via Amiens Street, North Strand Road, Annesley Bridge Road, Fairview and Malahide Road.  The proposals entailed the provision of bus and cycle lanes, improved footpaths, additional signalised pedestrian crossing facilities and safety improvements at locations where accident records are high.

These proposals were presented to the South East Area Committee for consideration on the 24th April 2006.

Public Consultation Process

The Public Consultation process took place from the 15th May 2006 to the 9th June 2006, with observations accepted until the 16th June 2006.

Please note that this report deals with submissions received by the Quality Bus Network Project Office up to the 13th June and that any further observations received will be verbally reported to the Area Committee meeting on the 19th June.    

The scheme was put on public display in the Civic Offices, North Central Area Offices, Bunratty Road and Fairview Library. The scheme was included in the Dublin City Council Web Site with both text and drawings available for viewing.  An information leaflet on the scheme was also prepared and distributed at the public displays.  The public consultation process was advertised in the Irish Independent, the Irish Times and the North Side People newspapers.

In total 22 submissions were received up to the 13th June in relation to the scheme. In reviewing the submissions every effort has been made to respond to the concerns raised by members of the public, while at the same time ensuring that progress is made in improving the bus performance and traffic safety along the route. The proposed measures also address pedestrian and cyclist issues where appropriate.

Main Objections to Scheme

These were two main areas of concern expressed in the public consultation. These are the proposals to ban the right turn from Malahide Road to Kilmore Road and to reduce the width of the footpath outside Artane Cottages.

The right turn ban from Malahide Road to Kilmore Road was recommended to improve the bus priority at the junction.

The Quality Bus Network Project Office carried out a traffic count on the Malahide Road Kilmore Road junction on 18th May 2005. These counts show a peak hour flow of 98 passenger car units (pcus)/hr in the AM, an average of 121 pcus/hr in the off-peak and peak hour flow of 141 pcus/hr in the PM.

In order to estimate how traffic would divert as a result of a right turn ban being implemented a Select Link Analysis was carried out on the right turning movement by the Dublin Transportation Office using the Saturn Traffic Model. The model analysed the traffic movements and calculated the origin and destination of the right turners during the AM peak. The model found that 40% of right turning vehicles originated from the Malahide Road and 60% from the Gracefield Road approach to the Artane roundabout originating in the Howth and Clontarf areas. The main destinations shown by the model were the Swords and Ballymun Road (70%), the M50 (20%) and the Beaumont Area (10%).  Based on the above figures it is estimated that 15% of the right turning traffic would divert via Oscar Traynor Road, 80% via Ardlea Road and 5% via Collins Avenue.   

A traffic count taken on 24th February 2005 recorded that during the morning peak hour the two-way traffic flow on Ardlea Road was 1130 pcus with 567 pcus travelling westbound. An 80% diversion of right turners to Ardlea Road will lead to an additional
80 pcus during the AM peak hour, which is an increase of approx 14% in the westbound flow and an overall increase of approx. 7% on the road. Ardlea Road is a 7.3m wide road with off-road parking and can readily accommodate this increase in traffic volumes.

It is also proposed as part of the scheme to upgrade Ardlea Road/Kilmore Road junction by providing two lanes on the Ardlea Road approach and to operate the existing signals as part of the SCATS urban traffic control system and to ensure clear sign posting for Beaumont Hospital, a series of advance directional and information signs are proposed on the Malahide Road and Gracefield Road.
The Quality Bus Network Project Office has noted the objections raised by the residents of Artane Cottages in relation to proposals to reduce the width of the footpath outside their houses. The Quality Bus Network Project Office has prepared a revised layout for this section of the scheme which minimises the impact on the footpath on the east side of Malahide Road outside the Artane Cottages. The majority of the road widening will take place on the west side of Malahide Road between St. Davids Wood and Kilmore Road.
A summary report on the submissions received together with QBN Project Office comments is shown in Appendix A.


It is recommended that the scheme should be implemented with the modifications outlined above and in Appendix A.  This revised scheme addresses the comments received while not reducing the overall benefits of the scheme to bus passengers on the Malahide Road.  It is therefore intended to proceed to construction on the scheme in September of this year.








QBN Response

Date Received



Damien Shiels

 40 Malahide RoadDublin



– avails parking on daily basis outside his home
from 10 am to 4 pm. No dish outside his house though has a drive in to the
garden .

– Concerned over the loss of parking space. .   

in footpath to be provided.



Seán Haughey

Damien Shiels

40 Malahide Road,

Dublin 3


– avails parking on daily basis outside his home
from 10 am to 4 pm. No dish outside his house though has a drive in to the
garden .

– Concerned over the loss of parking space.

in footpath to be provided.




William Kearney

Maryaikenhead House Dublin 8

Very good




Cllr. David Healy


Pairc Eabhora Beann Eadair Howth

5.1 Dangerous existing
junction with East Wall Road
for cyclists

proposed are as follows:-

Ban left-hand turns at this
junction (and redesign the junction in order to prevent/impede illegal turns)



Direct the cyclists to occupy
the centre traffic lane with markings







6.1/7.1 Annelsey
Bridge Road
and Fairview
on seriously inadequate cycle lane in door zone

The cross-section shows
a cycle lane (at 1.20m below “absolute minimum width” and far below the recommended
2m) in the door zone of parked



cycletrack against railing with substandard footpath alongside Fairview park.








8.1 What happens to the
existing straight-ahead cycle lane at Fairview/Malahide Road. 


10.1 Cycle lane
positioning cyclists to the left of left-turning traffic on junction Malahide Road/Griffith Avenue








10.2 Advanced Stop
Lines to provided at Malahide
Road Griffith

Avenue Junction.






10.3/11/12.1 Inadequate
cycle lane width on Malahide







Inadequate joint bus and cycle lane at Malahide Road/Collins Avenue














13.2 Road markings
should direct cyclists into the correct straight ahead lane at Malahide Road / Collins Avenue


13.3 Is it really
necessary to have 4 north bound lanes on Malahide Road at Collins Avenue



13.4 Advanced Stop
Lines at Malahide Road
/ Collins Avenue




16.1 Inadequate cycle
lane width at Malahide
Road/Kilmore Road





17 Removal of
roundabout at Artane Roundabout








Bus stop missing? Is there to be no southbound bus stop at Artane Roundabout  

5.1 It is not possible to ban the left turn from Annesley
Bridge Road to East Wall Road. The number of Heavy
Goods Vehicles making this turn has been reduced by the traffic management
measures at the railway bridge and the left turn is necessary for local


5.2 This solution proposed is unsafe as the
kerbside lane operates as straight through general traffic lane when the bus
lane is not operational.

It is proposed to provide advisory cycle   lanes across the junction in both


This cross-section shows the existing layout which it is not proposed to







It is proposed to install red surfacing on the cycle track and provide additional
cycle and pedestrian symbols to better delineate the cycle track from the
pedestrian zone.

It is
not possible to remove one of the northbound traffic lanes. This would cause
major congestion in the area. 


Eastbound cycle lane on




10.1 This solution proposed is unsafe as the
kerbside lane operates as straight through general traffic lane when the bus
lane is not operational.

It is proposed to provide advisory cycle   lanes across the junction in both
directions. Box junction markings will be provided on the left turn lane to
assist cyclists.


Advanced stop lines will be provided on all arms of the junction with the
exception of the northbound arm on Malahide
RoadCopeland Avenue.
where the right-turn is banned to


10.3/11/12.1Combined bys and cycle lanes will be provided on Malahide Road. It
is not proposed to carry out major road works in this area to widen the
carriageway to provide additional width for the cycle lanes. 



13.1/14.1/15.1The drawings on display were only the preliminary
design drawings. The detailed design will show a combined bus/cycle lane on
the Malahide Road      . The road
widening being carried out is the maximum possible between Donnycarney Road and Kilmore Road

as per the Design as it is necessary to
maintain adequate visibility for the local residents with driveways.

would lead to serious congestion on the route to reduce it to one general
lane of traffic in each direction .


Cycle lane markings will be provided a the junction to direct cyclists into
the straight ahead lanes.   



The 4 lane approach to the junction is essential to maintain adequate
operating conditions for traffic.


Advanced Stop Lines will be provided on all arms of the junction together
with advisory lines through the junction.


It is proposed to provide a combined bus/cycle lane southbound through the
junction and widen the northbound lane to 3.5m as a cycle and traffic



detail design at the roundabout will take account of the comments made by Mr.
Healy in relation to the width of the cycle lanes, the design of the cycle
lanes on the side roads. The details of the left-turn filter lanes will be


There are proposals to remove any bus stops at this location.




Derek Peppard


–  Suggests to retain
existing straight ahead cycle track at Fairview/Malahide road junction

in scheme.




Derek Peppard

–   Fairview off road cycle path should be

– This off road cycle path
should be removed so commuting cyclists can legally cycle on the bus lane
without harassment.

off-road cycle track in Fairview is the safest
as the traffic lanes on Fairview
are narrow and cannot accommodate a wide bus lane. It is proposed to upgrade
the surface of the cycle track and provide additional cycle and pedestrian




Derek Peppard


 Recommends as follows:

– That major junction
designs be modified to allow cycle lanes traverse the junction. Design
already used in QBC proposals at the Killester Avenue junction

– To replicate this design
at the Artane Roundabout, Kilmore
Road and Griffith Avenue junctions.

– Continue the cycle lane
through the junction in the main road direction i.e. along the Malahide Road





John Sheridan

4 May Park, Malahide


Is not happy with the Malahide QBC Enhancement Scheme

re the ban on right turn to Collins
Avenue West
and the provision of a pedestrian
crossing phase discussed with Mr. Sheridan. Scheme proposals explained to him




Bill Casey

29 Portside Court

East Wall

with proposal




Finian McGrath

Patricia Healy

133 Malahide RoadDublin 5


– concerned regarding the right of access to her drive way

to be provided.




Ken Ryan

Pinebrook Rise Artane Dublin

– Organise funding quick




Seán Haughey T.D.


Mornington Park, Malahide Road,

Dublin 5

– Concerned about the
proposed outright ban on cars turning right from Malahide Road to Kilmore Road

– Believes that total ban will cause great
inconvenience for local residents.

– Suggest that other solutions to this problem be
examined first and if that is not possible a ban during the morning peak only
could be considered





Alan Sweeney

77 Pinebrook Drive, Artane

Banning right at Kilmore all day will 
back up at roundabout and unfair to Residents





Alfie Local Government


–  If
possible to widen the footpath between Clontarf Golf Club entrance and Mount Temple School so as to
make it safer for pupils attending Mount temple

– To do something about the sequence of the traffic
lights when turning right from Collins Avenue onto the Malahide Road when
heading for the city. Currently, and for a significant period of time only 2
cars can get through. Results in traffic cutting through the residential
areas of Hazel Road
etc. onto Donnycarney
Avenue to get onto the Malahide Road.

– The proposal to ban the right turn into Kilmore Road will
lead to problems as follows:    

If you know about it in
advance you’ll have to turn right at Ardlea Road, left onto Kilmore Road and
left again at the Roundabout at Artane Castle to get to McDonalds, say. This
increases the volume of traffic passing the schools on Ardlea RoadKilmore Road.  

If you don’t know about it in
advance you’ll have to turn right into Elm Mount Road and travel along it, up
Elm Mount Rise and right onto Skelly’s Lane to get back to McDonald’s or
Tesco. This will increase delays due to right turns at this junction and will
also force additional traffic through residential areas. It will also reduce
access to Beaumont/
Whitethorn area and significantly increase journey times for people
travelling there.





Mary Flynn

Santa Maria 31 Malahide Road Artane Dublin 5

– Welcomes most of the changes in particular
removal of the roundabout with a signalised junction.

– Concerned for people living between the
roundabout and Kilmore Road and believes that no right hand turn into Kilmore
Road will cause problems as there is no left turn on to Donnelli Road and this
suggestion of no right turn to Kilmore Road will leave people with no option
but to cross Malahide Road to get to Artane Castle SC which is busy and
dangerous road.




Richard Bruton T.D.

Alan Sweeney

77 Pinebrook Drive, Artane, Dublin 5

– Believes that the proposal to close-off the
right-hand turn from the Malahide
Road on to Kilmore Road will be very disruptive to
local residents and particularly the residents of Pinebrook. Makes it very
difficult to access St. Brigid’s School. 





Residents of Lower Artane

Phyllis Kenny

Marion Kavanagh

Adam Kavanagh

Agnes Costello

Marie Radford

Mary Reddy

B. Horan

 Lower Artane Cottages, No. 1 – 10

Dublin 5

–  Objects strongly
to the proposals concerning the narrowing of the footpath outside homes of
the Residents of Lower Artane Cottages.

– Heavy traffic converges
on the footpaths. Narrowing of footpaths will be dangerous as well as
impossible to sleep as bedrooms are situated to the front of their homes.

– Draws attention to the
fact that lorry demolished No. 5.




Seán Haughey

Mary field Residents Association

Mornington Park, Malahide Road,

Dublin 5

Comments include:-

Maryfield Residents Association opposed to a ban on cars turning right
from Malahide RoadKilmore Road


Association believes if this goes ahead that cars will divert down Ardlea Road and
on to secondary roads in its area thus greatly increasing traffic volumes and
reducing the quality of life for local residents.  




Naoise Ó Muiri

Cecilia and Joe Roche

1 Dromawling Road, Beaumount, Dublin 9

– Opposed to the removal
of the facility to turn right onto Kilmore
Road from Malahide Road when heading towards the
city centre.

– Believes it will
severely disadvantage local residents and cause serious congestion problem on
the Ardlea road. 




Seán Haughey

Residents of ten houses at Artane Cottages

Mornington Park, Malahide Road,

Dublin 5

– The residents of the 10
houses at Artane Cottages are very concerned about the proposal to narrow the
footpath in order to widen the road outside their houses. Will cause serious
problems in relation to noise, vibrations & fumes

– Believes that the road
reservation opposite to these homes has plenty of room to widen the





Dr. Aine Kelly

Lower Artane Cottages


about the narrowing of footpath outside her house  





Maeve & Phyl Kenny

Lower Artane Cottages Malahide
Road Dublin

– Very concernced about the narrowing of the
footpath at Lower Artane Cottages for several reasons including no front
gardens, buses, trucks running through the doors.

–  Also
reminding of a serious accident occurred some years ago when a lorry plaughed
into no. 5 lower artane cottages.

