The application was submitted on 12th October. The final deadline for submissions from the public is one day less than 5 weeks later, therefore Wednesday 15th November. Submissions/objections must be accompanied by €20 and include the reference number of the application (F06A/1484), the name and address of the person(s) making the submission, and the grounds of objection or other comments. When you get a formal acknowledgement from the Council, you must keep it in order to be able to appeal to An Bord Pleanála.
There will be an Area Committee meeting on Thursday 16th November at 3pm in Baldoyle Library. I will be listing the file for that meeting for discussion with the planners. The meeting is open to the public. Note however, that the planners will not reveal their intentions in relation to the file.
The details of the application:
F06A/1484 12-Oct-2006
Applicant:Borg Developments 15 Hogan Place, Grand Canal Street, Dublin 2
Location: Thormanby Road, Howth, Dublin 13
Proposed Development: Development comprising 19 no. two storey (5 bedroom) detached dwelling units, each with individual single storey detached garages, landscape treatment and on curtilage car-parking; a single storey management office of c.43 sq.m.; 1 no. ESB substation unit of c.19 sq.m.; vehicular access to serve the proposed development via a new access off Thormanby Road; site development and landscape works; all on a site of c.6.4 Ha (c.15.7 acres).