Objection to proposed house on Evora Crescent oil tank

I have objected to the proposed redevelopment of the former oil tank site on Evora Crescent, on the grounds that the site is contaminated yet the application contains no information on how it is to be remediated, and that the proposed house is an overdevelopment of the site, out of keeping with the area

                            24th January 2007

Planning Department,
Fingal County Council,
Main St.,
Co. Dublin

By hand

Re: F06A/1898
Applicant: McMullan Brothers Limited 3 Custom House Plaza, I.F.S.C., Dublin 1
Location: Maxol Fuel Depot, Evora Crescent, Howth, Dublin 13
Proposed Development:    The demolition of the existing tank compound, construction of 1 no. two storey dwelling house with driveway entrance and off-street parking and any ancillary works.

A chairde,

I would like to object to the above development on the following grounds.

1.    The drawings submitted with the application are inadequate. It does not adequately show what is on the site already.  Nor does it show the relationship of the proposal to nearby houses in Evora Park, Evora Crescent or Grace O’Malley Road.

2.    The proposed development involves the excavation of a contaminated site.  The site was an oil depot for Evora Park and was the site of an oil spill which also affected neighbouring properties.  This contamination remains on site.  There is no information in the application on the extent of the existing contamination nor on the methods proposed for remediating the site and removing the existing oil tank and concrete pit in order to construct a house on the site.

3.    The proposed development is out of keeping with the area.  All surrounding houses have front and back gardens.  The proposed house would extend from the front to the back boundaries of the site with minimal garden space to the sides. Visually it would not be in keeping with either the Evora Crescent houses or the Grace O’Malley Road houses.

4.    The proposed development would severely damage the residential amenity of the houses in Evora Park to the north of the site.  The site is significantly elevated above the rear gardens of the Evora Park houses.  The proposal involves a two-storey house at the top of this hill, presenting a tall blank windowless wall to the gardens of these house.  There is no set-back in the development site.

5.    The proposed development involves access to its car parking space from Grace O’Malley Road in a location where there appears to be insufficient space for the necessary turning movements.

I enclose the €20 fee.

Is mise, le meas,
Cllr. David Healy