The Environment Department of the Council has commissioned a study into Burrow Beach because of recent erosion of the dunes and the beach. ( The Water Services Department of the Council has been involved in a major study of flooding risks in Dublin. Erosion is addressed in this only insofar as it affects flooding risks. There will be a report on this study to the full Council on 12th February.
[Services A – Transportation, Environment and Water Services]
Thursday, 1st February, 2007
"That the Manager report on progress in examining coastal erosion in the
Burrow Beach area and that the Committee recommends that the Council
organise for the carrying out of a study of erosion and flooding risks in this
The dune system at Burrow Road Sutton has been under severe pressure
in the last year or so resulting in a significant reduction at the location with
the consequent threat of flooding to properties on Burrow Road. Environment
Department staff met on site with a representative of Royal Haskoning, a
consultancy that has carried out a number of maritime related projects for the
Council. Following the meeting the company was asked to submit a proposal
to carry out a "Historical Evolution Study" in an attempt to develop a picture
of the evolution of the coastline to aid in the understanding of the natural
processes at work and also to develop a number of short term options which
might help to arrest the erosion. It is likely that some short term measures may
be possible, subject to monies being available.
As part of the preparation of the study it was decided that the most efficient
means of gathering local knowledge of the evolution of the area would be to
gather interested locals for a meeting with the maritime consultants. This
meeting took place in the Marine Hotel, Sutton on Tuesday 16th. January to
collate any data held by people living along the beach e.g. photographs, family
personal histories etc.
It should be noted that any significant long term protection measures at this
location are likely to be a significant cost item and would require funding from
the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources under the
National Programme for Coastal Projects.
In relation to the second part of the motion the following is the position.
Haskoning were appointed in April 2003 by Dublin City Council as Service
Providers on the Dublin Coastal Flooding Protection Project. This project was
implemented in direct response to the extreme flooding tide and flood event
that was experienced across Dublin and Fingal on 1st February, 2002. The
project encompassed the coastline in the Dublin City Area and northwards
from the city boundary along the coastline as far as the Martello Tower north
of Portmamock. In addition, the asset survey for the project was extended to
cover the entire Fingal coastline.
The study is now complete and a Draft Final Report was produced and has yet
to be finalised. The Report outlines a series of strategies and policies to
manage the risk of future flooding and also identifies a number of short term
and long term flood relief works which will further reduce the risk of flooding.
A presentation will be made to the Council at the meeting on 12th February,
outlining the progress of the study to date.
Burrow Road Beach was included in the Study and the attached plan
designates the various stretches of beach in terms of risk to flooding eg.
Stretch of Beach Risk Description Action Required Priority
C4 >1:200 Rock Wall
C3 1:10 to 1:50 Eroding Dunes
with retired defences
C2 1:10 to 1:50 Dunes with shingle face
Cl 1:50 to 1:200 Low dunes with
retired sea defence
B14 >1:200 Eroding clay cliff
B5 >1:200 Embankment Investigate Medium
repairs to
B1 1:10 to 1:50
Some works are required to be carried out in the medium term. All works
identified in the study will be carried out subject to funding being available.
The Study did not address Coastal Erosion other than where it resulted in
increased flood risk.