Green Party Councillor David Healy has welcomed An Bord Pleanála’s
decision to refuse permission for a construction waste recycling centre
adjacent to houses in Baldoyle and Donaghmede.
The application for 24 Baldoyle Industrial Estate was to be run in
addition to an existing facility at 21A Baldoyle Industrial Estate.
An Bord Pleanála refused the application for three reasons:
1. Having regard to the zoning objective for the area in which the
site is located, namely, “to facilitate opportunities for science and
technology based employment” which objective is considered reasonable
and having regard also to Local Objective 4 for Baldoyle, namely, “to
formulate and implement a strategy for the densification and an
environmental improvement scheme for Baldoyle Industrial Estate” which
objective is also considered reasonable, it is considered that the
nature and scale of the proposed development would conflict with those
objectives and would be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable
development of the area.
2. Having regard to the nature and scale of the proposed development
and its proximate location to residential and recreational land uses,
it is considered that the proposed development, both in itself and in
conjunction with an associated similar development in the immediate
vicinity would seriously injure the amenities of property in the
vicinity, the amenities of the area and would be prejudicial to public
health. The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to the
proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
3. Having regard to the predicted traffic flows likely to be
generated by the proposed development and to the constricted HGV
vehicular parking and circulation areas on site it is considered that
the proposed development would result in on street parking with the
industrial estate and would tend to create serious traffic congestion
The applicants already run an unauthorised waste recycling centre at
21A Baldoyle Industrial Estate. Fingal County Council, in response to
a request by a local resident has issued a certificate under section 5
of the Planning Act that it is unauthorised. However, the Council is
unwilling to take enforcement action because the waste company claims
to have been operating for over 5 years.
Commenting on the decision, Cllr. Healy said:
“This waste processing operation is a nuisance to both local residents
and adjacent businesses in this busy industrial estate. Now that An
Bord Pleanála has refused permission to expand it, I call on the
developers to move out of the industrial estate and leave local people
in peace. I will continue to press Fingal County Council to take
enforcement action for breaches of the planning laws.”
An Bord Pleanála’s decision is here.
The Inspector’s Report on which An Bord Pleanála’s decision is based is here.
The section 5 certificate that the existing operation is unauthorised is below.