Local election campaign / Feachtas um toghcháin áitiúil

David is the Green Party/Comhaontas Glas candidate in the Fingal County Council elections for the Howth/Malahide Area.

Tá a bhileog um thoghcháin ar fáil anseo. His election leaflet is here.

Most of the material archived on this website is from David’s time on the Council from 2004 to 2009; you can get a good idea of the issues and his record as a Councillor by searching or browsing the website.

David is an environmental professional with a degree in Law and a masters degree in Environmental Science. He works as Policy and Advocacy Officer with Oxfam Ireland, focusing in particular on the impact of climate change and biofuels on developing countries.

He has served as a Councillor for two periods: during the 1990s he campaigned against the rezonings later investigated by the Mahon/Flood Tribunal and promoted the Howth Special Amenity Area Order; from 2004 to 2009, he was successful in achieving strong energy efficiency standards for new developments and promoting the provision of children’s playgrounds.

If you would like to raise any issue with David or if you can help with the election campaign in any way please contact him at 087 6178852 or verdire@gmail.com