Motion to remove waste from beside Pobalscoil Neasáin

Following complaints from Moyclare residents, we established that Fingal County Council itself was responsible for the dumping of tarmac on the site beside Pobalscoil Neasáin in Baldoyle which is earmarked for 44 houses.

The Area Committee has approved a motion of mine to have the waste removed immediately.

Extract from Minutes of Area Commitee 17th February 2005



It was proposed by Councillor Healy and seconded by Councillor Maher:

“That the broken tarmac (allegedly originating from the digging up of the old basketball courts at the school) topsoil (allegedly originating from the provision of new basketball courts at the school) and furniture and household rubbish dumped on the site proposed for new houses at Pobalscoil Neasáin be removed immediately as rats are now being seen in the area.”
The following report by the Manager was READ:

“The broken tarmac and topsoil has been stored on the housing site as a temporary measure.  It will be cleared away as part of site preparation when the construction project commences.  The project is due to commence after Easter.  The Environment Section is making arrangements to have any rubbish removed from the site and will continue to monitor the site until building works commence. “

Following discussion the Motion was AGREED.