Iarnród Éireann’s new timetable breaks some of the connections in our integrated public transport network

Iarnród Éireann have announced new timetables to take effect on 9th September. This follows a public consultation in December 2015.
I responded to the consultation then pointing out the disimprovements which would result from having trains run through stations without stopping and a lack of timetabling for connections. Unfortunately, those changes are still proposed. I have followed up with IÉ today as follows:
Many people responded to the public consultation in 2015. Unfortunately, it seems as if those responses weren’t taken into account. Is there a document summarising the content of the input received to the consultation and IÉ’s responses to the submissions?
You seem to have reduced services to some areas more than in the proposal you put to consultation. It is simply not correct to say that “Howth Junction, Clongriffin and Portmarnock will be served by fewer weekday Northern Commuter services”. The timetable which has been put online shows no diesel services stopping at these stations. There’s a considerable amount of irritation at the fact that so many trains will now be passing through Portmarnock, Clongriffin and Howth Junction without stopping and that the travel patterns people have developed in reliance on the services will not be disrupted.

Dropping the stop at Howth Junction has major consequences for all sorts of trips. People currently using the 17A (and who in future will be facilitated by much improved orbitals in Bus Connects) now have to change at Malahide or Connolly Station. This is one of the routes people from North County Dublin can use to access DCU and Beaumont Hospital. Connections between say Sutton and Donabate will now require two changes, one at Howth Junction and a second at Malahide, or a trip to Connolly Station for a single change there.

Bus Connects intends to provide bus routes to bring people to Portmarnock and Clongriffin stations, but under your timetable there will be fewer trains stopping there and no longer distance trains.

As in the timetable put in display, connections between the Howth and Malahide spurs will involve a 19 minute wait. I raised this with the NTA and their consultant Jarrett Walker when he presented Bus Connects to Fingal Councillors in July. He described this as bad timetabling. It is frustrating to see that it is being implmenented unchanged.
I hope that you can look again at the timetable in order to meet the needs of your passengers.