Having received the Chief Executive’s report on the public consultation on the draft LAP, I am not happy with the lack of progress on connecting Kinsealy to neighbouring areas especially to Portmarnock railway station and I’m proposing the following four amendments to the Plan:
Motion 1
That in response to recommendations received, including from the Department of Housing Planning and Local Government, the LAP be amended to include the following in section 11:
The full segregated cycle and pedestrian link to Old Portmarnock/ R124 to provide access to Portmarnock train station shall be provided as part of the first phase of further development under the Kinsealy Local Area Plan.
Motion 2
That in response to recommendations received, including from the Department of Housing Planning and Local Government, the LAP be amended to include the following in section 11:
The full segregated cycle and pedestrian link to Old Portmarnock/ R124 to provide access to Portmarnock train station shall be provided as part of the first phase of further development in Kinsaley House Development Area, Teagasc Development Area and/or Malahide Road East Development Area
Motion 3
That in response to recommendations received, including from the National Transport Authority, the LAP be amended to include the following:
It is a priority objective of the LAP to provide safe walking and cycling routes to existing and future schools in Kinsealy from all locations within the Kinsealy LAP.
Motion 4
That in response to recommendations received, including from the National Transport Authority, the LAP be amended to include the following:
It is a priority objective to provide segregated walking and cycling routes to Kinsealy from Old Portmarnock, from Kettle’s Lane and from Balgriffin/Belmayne, and a traffic-calmed route from from Malahide Demesne suitable for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages and abilities, in line with the proposals in the Kinsealy Cycleway and Footpath Network Feasibility Study, to facilitate access to schools, public transport and other local services and amenities.
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