Fingal County Council agrees to produce guidance on cyclists at roadworks

The issue of roadworks being carried out in a way that increases risks for cyclists is a recurring problem, often resulting from a failure of those carrying out the works to consider the needs and safety of cyclists. It’s not always done badly, and this article from gives examples of both good and bad practice.

I was aware of the draft guidance produced by Transport for London (but apparently not yet adopted and now only available on an archive of their consultation website) and I pointed to this in the preparation of the Plan. Unfortunately it wasn’t included in the draft plan.

At this evening’s meeting, the Council agreed to my motion to include the production of guidance for those planning and carrying out roadworks in the Road Safety Plan 2017-2020. (The text of the plan should be online soon at item 20 on this page.)

I hope that the fact that there’s already a draft by Transport for London might help Fingal to finalise guidance soon and that in turn other Irish local authorities might follow Fingal’s example.

1 thought on “Fingal County Council agrees to produce guidance on cyclists at roadworks

  1. Pingback: Safety plan to improve conditions for cyclists at road works –

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