Pumping house at Moyclare

The shed on the Green at Moyclare is an unacceptable eyesore.  To
make it worse, the Council vehicles accessing it have left the area
with broken footpaths, lumpy tarmac and churned-up grass.  I have
raised it at the area committee but have not yet made real progress.{mosimage} The following question was from the meeting of the Area Committee on 3rd November:


Question:    Councillor D. Healy

“To ask the Manager to put the pumping house on the green in Moyclare
underground and to repair damage done by Council vehicles to the green,
footpaths and kerbing in the area?”


The pumps and sump of this pump station are located underground.  The
control equipment is located directly above the pumps and sump and
housed in the structure at the corner of the green in Moyclare.  It
would not be possible to place the control equipment underground
because of the risk of water entering any underground chamber housing
this equipment.  

In mid 2005, Water Services Dept. carried out refurbishment work at
this pumpstation (replacing pumps and control equipment, replacing the
rising main exiting the pump station).  The Green is fully reinstated
and minor snags with the footpaths and kerbs will be addressed  in the
near future."

I’m not happy with this so I have put the following motion down for the meeting on 1st December:

That the pumphouse on the green in Moyclare be either moved underground
or incorporated in or near the new housing development so that it is no
longer an eyesore.