Fingal County Council is planning to develop housing at Donabate. The Council has issued a “market sounding” document on, which refers to a mixture of private houses for sale at market prices, “affordable” private houses to be sold at a discount to market rates, and social houses. I have asked them to look into developing cost rental housing for the following reasons:
- Cost rental provides secure affordable accommodation to the large segment of the population who do not qualify for social housing but are unable to secure a mortgage to buy.
- Cost rental housing remains permanently affordable, unlike “affordable” housing which may only be affordable once, as it will in time be sold on at a market rent.
- Because the costs of development are fully recovered the capital can be reused for further cost rental housing development.
- Cost rental will facilitate social mix because HAP can be applied to make up the rent for lower income tenants.
- In cities where it has been provided in quantity, cost rental has a moderating effect on rents.
My full letter and attachments are below:
A chairde,
Thank you for sending on this paper. There is a housing approach which has been omitted from the sounding paper – provision of public housing on a cost rental basis.
The Oireachtas approved the attached motion on 6th March. The Minister for Housing Planning and Local Government said in April that cost rental was a “key part of the Government’s Housing Strategy”.
There are some significant advantages to making housing affordable by means of a cost rental system as opposed to by the provision of a discount on the sale of houses:
- Cost rental provides secure affordable accommodation to the large segment of the population who do not qualify for social housing but are unable to secure a mortgage to buy.
- Cost rental housing remains permanently affordable, unlike “affordable” housing which may only be affordable once, as it will in time be sold on at a market rent.
- Because the costs of development are fully recovered the capital can be reused for further cost rental housing development.
- Cost rental will facilitate social mix because HAP can be applied to make up the rent for lower income tenants.
- In cities where it has been provided in quantity, cost rental has a moderating effect on rents.
This should be a key part, or indeed the dominant element, of the new housing development at Ballymastone. Can the practicalities be investigated either through, or in addition to, the market sounding?
Oireachtas Cost Rental Housing Motion 6th March 2018
“Cost_rental_housing:_a_model_for_Ireland”, Paul Goldrick-Kelly, NERI Research Institute, May 2018