Energy efficiency and renewable energy requirements incorporated into Local Area Plan

{mosimage}I successfully proposed at the Council that high standards for energy
efficiency and renewable energy should be incorporated into the Local
Area Plan for the Cappagh area.  These standards require an annual
heating and hot water energy requirement not exceeding 50 kWh/m2 and
that renewable energy be used to meet at least 30% of the these energy
needs.  These requirements are much higher than that in the
Building Control Regulations.  We failed to get them into the
Written Statement of the Development Plan, but did get them agreed from
a developer in relation to the Barnhill site in Dublin 15.  We are
now as Greens proposing them for all Local Area Plans and are very
pleased to get them agreed in this case.  

There are a lot of new houses being built in Fingal.  The 3 Green
councillors are doing everything we can to make sure they are built to
the best energy standards.  There is no reason why Ireland can’t
build houses which are every bit as good as those in Denmark or
Sweden.  This is a win-win solution, meaning lower energy bills
for those living in the houses, and much lower emissions of greenhouse
gas which damage the climate. The motion agreed is below.

That the following be included in the Cappagh local area plan:

“The residential development will attain high standards of energy
efficiency and environmental sustainibility, including the following:
–    bio-climatic site design,
–    water conservation,
–    ventilation,
–    energy efficient strategies for housing design,
–    daylight analysis,
–  high insulation standards

“All new buildings will meet the minimum low energy performance
standards (as defined below) as a prerequisite to receiving planning
approval (calculation report to be submitted with the planning
application). Each building’s energy performance calculation must be
demonstrated on the basis of a simple approved method (e.g. EN 832)
carried out by qualified or accredited experts.  Low energy
buildings are defined as building with an annual heating requirement
(space and  water heating) not exceeding 50 kWh/m2 of useful floor

The development will utilise renewable energy supply systems to meet at
least 30% of the buildings space and water heating requirements as
calculated on the basis of an approved method carried out by qualified
or accredited experts.”