Motion on water use defeated

{mosimage}A second motion in relation to the Cappagh Local area plan in relation
to reducing water use in the plan was defeated.  This was stated
to be because the content of the motion is already covered in the
Development Plan.  In fact the motion is a more specific
commitment with greater details than the Development Plan.  The
real reason seemed to be an unwillingness to follow a lead from the
Green Party, which was the only party to submit any motions in relation
to the local area plan.  It was interesting to note that some
councillors were visibly annoyed that the Greens had gotten their first
motion agreed  and spoke at length to tell us we were wasting
time.  Others were determined to bring their party colleagues into
line and succeeded.  Even more interesting was to see some Council
officials leave the room to gather in a few missing councillors from
their offices behind the Council chamber.  The result was that the
motion was defeated.  The text of the motion is below.  When
the report (supplied on paper at the meeting) is circulated, I will
attach it also. That the following be included in the Cappagh local area plan:

"The buildings will be required to incorporate provisions for reducing
water use including low flow fittings (toilets, taps, shower heads) and
provisions for reuse of rainwater and/or greywater for flushing toilets